5 medical device industry trends that affect translation
As the science and technology industry continues to update and evolve at a rapid clip, so does your translation needs. Industry trends directly affect the way you present your medical device translations. Without keeping your product labels, marketing materials, and usage guides up-to-date in all languages, you could put your company at risk of losing sales – or worse.
Here are five medical device industry trends that will require you to take a second look at your translations.
1. Improved molecular assays
The way patients are screened, diagnosed, and treated is about to change with the advancement of molecular diagnostics. Molecular assays are starting to become the norm in screening and developing treatments for orphan diseases. As the diagnoses and treatment options expand, so will your need for translated materials across all geographic locations where your medical devices are being used.
2. 3d printing is taking off
Chances are 2015 will not become the year of the 3d printer in the medical device world, but its influence will inch forward enough that it’s worth paying attention to. Your manufacturing may shift in anticipation of future developments using 3d printing instead of traditional soldering. From a translation standpoint, you’ll need to rethink how 3d printing will compete with or complement your current and potential future offerings.
3. Aging populations
People continue to add years to the average lifespan. This means that people use your medical devices from a variety of generations. The age of your target market is relevant. According to the Gerontological Society of America, health care professionals and organizations should customize their communications with older patients based on cultural beliefs and values. Your translations should show that same level of respect across all languages.
4. New regulations will put a damper on development
The European Medical Device Regulations continue to change, and with it, your translations must adapt alongside these new EU medical device regulations. In 2015, you will need to become more agile in your translation work to adhere to these new standards in past and future models. The new regulations are expected to be substantial so plan ahead and anticipate delays and larger translation workloads.
5. Infections disease IVDs surge ahead with rapid development
After the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and scattered around the world, there is a greater need for IVD development. Plan on this surging ahead as fears continue to rise for future outbreaks and serious diseases. These diseases are arriving by planes all over the world, increasing the need for international development. If your medical device can aid in the treatment of an infectious disease you’ll need equally fast translation of your materials to use in all of the affected countries.
The world continues to move forward at a fast rate. With technological developments, such as the 3d printers, disease development such as the Ebola outbreak, and population advancement, your medical device materials must develop too. Letting your translations fall behind in an effort to develop product before materials could stunt your progress and stifle your success.