Entries by Angelo Passalacqua

Why it’s important to streamline your lease agreement translation process

Because businesses are now required to disclose lease commitments on the balance sheet with FASB’s ASC 842 standards update, there is going to be significantly more work for corporate accountants and lawyers, especially if foreign leases are involved. Developing a streamlined lease agreement translation process with the right technology and lease translation partner can mitigate […]

Why a lease agreement translation process is best for ASC 842

The “standard” translation process is not time- or cost-effective in meeting FASB’s new lease agreement accounting standards update ASC 842. Accountants and lawyers are beginning to realize how the translation of lease agreements will fit into their workflow towards compliance. They are going to need an efficient solution that minimizes impact on transition resources. There […]

Specialized translation technology is key for transitioning to ASC 842

As companies begin to assess what changes are needed to comply with FASB’s new lease accounting standard, ASC 842, it’s important to understand the role that technology can and should play in translating lease agreement contacts for abstracting purposes. Without a specialized set of translation technologies, translating multiple leases to comply with ASC 842 can […]

5 changes the big 4 suggest for FASB’s new lease accounting standard, ASC 842

With its effective date of 2018 looming around the corner, an important issue of FASB’s most recent lease accounting standard (ASC 842) is the potential challenge that Lease Administrators, CFOs, and accountants will have with managing many more lease agreements. Now that lease agreements outside the United States are required to be recognized on balance […]

4 undeniable challenges to translating lease agreements for large multinational companies

With its effective date of 2018, an important issue of the FASB’s most recent accounting standard (ASC 842) is the potential challenge that Lease Administrators, CFOs and accountants will have with translating lease agreements. Lease agreements for tangible assets outside the United States are now required to be recognized on balance sheets- making compliance more complicated. […]

5 significant issues to consider regarding the FASB’s lease accounting standard ASC 842

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) functions as an independent and not-for-profit organization that establishes financial accounting and reporting standards for all organizations that follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). After nearly 10 years in the making, FASB announced its most recent standards update in February 2016: ASU 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842) Intended to address […]

BURG Translations, Inc. announces enhanced lease agreement translation process in response to FASB’s lease accounting standards change

Chicago, IL, March 1, 2017: Chicago-based BURG Translations, Inc. – an international company specializing in technical translation services – announces an enhanced lease agreement translation service process for accountants, lawyers and others impacted by last year’s FASB changes to lease accounting standards. The changes announced in February, 2016, require lease agreements for properties outside the United […]

CASE STUDY: Medical device marketing department reaches key opinion leaders faster

Problem The marketing department for a medical device company needed help finding as many key opinion leaders (KOLs) as possible from across three countries to champion the company’s products. The KOLs were needed for regional sales and marketing teams to maximize sales quickly. The challenge in this case was that the company had no support […]

CEO of chicago-based translation services company to present at international program in Miami

Chicago, IL, July 24, 2016: Chicago-based BURG Translations, an international company specializing in technical translation services, recently announced that Angelo Passalacqua, CEO, will be a featured speaker at the 6th Annual Clinical Trials Innovation Programme in Miami at the Sheraton Miami Hotel & Executive Meeting Center on July 28 and 29. The event will feature […]