Six e-learning trends for 2021 and beyond

It’s been called the future of learning and education, and with the pandemic e-learning has become more important than ever. Even before COVID-19, the e-learning market was estimated to grow to $315 billion by 2025. With nearly all education and training courses now taking place remotely, it’s almost certain that this figure will peak sooner than predicted. 

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5 assumptions you shouldn’t make about medical device translation

If you’ve worked in the medical device industry for any amount of time you know the importance of labeling. On each device, you must provide critical information for the patient, including usage instructions, warnings, and risks. With how important the labels are on your medical devices, it makes sense that you cannot afford to cut corners when it comes to translating the text for resale in other countries.

As a business, you want to save time and money whenever possible. However, cutting corners to finish a job quickly instead of accurately today could cost you quite a bit more over the long run.

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Why you should use translation for e-learning?

Companies that employ e-learning tools or strategies can boost productivity by as much as 50%. That’saccording to a recent report by IBM and the eLearning industry. IBM found that for every dollar spent by corporations on e-learning, employees delivered $30 worth in productivity.

Many companies use e-learning as a way to keep employees trained. This makes it easier to keep costs down and have minimal operational disruption, according to Bersin & Associates.
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