BURG Translations Blog

Know the 8 types of legal documents that should always be translated

Know the 8 types of legal documents that should always be translated

While all industries have translation idiosyncrasies, legal documents tend to be far more complex. Laden with legal terminology and technical details, translating them into English is never an easy task. Given the complexities associated with legal translation, they typically require extra effort and industry-specific expertise. A translator that is a generalist will encounter difficulty in translating your legal documents, which could result in delays.

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Why localization is essential to growing your biotech company

Why localization is essential to growing your biotech company

To thrive in today’s competitive biotech market, you need to expand the reach of your brand. And, that typically means taking your company global. To get the type of traction in a new market that will yield success, you need exposure. Gaining exposure means that you need people in the new market to know you and your products. And, part of the initial ‘getting to know you phase’ is building trust with your brand. How can you do this when you don’t speak the language or understand the culture?

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10 documents manufacturers should always translate

10 documents manufacturers should always translate

Most industries have specific needs when it comes to document translation. But, for manufacturers their unique set of document translation requirements can’t be overstated. From communications among vendors to technical information and legal documents, translation speed and accuracy is required for smooth country entry and operation when taking your manufacturing business across international borders. The following are ten of the most critical documents that your manufacturing business should translate.

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Why legal translations should be left to professional translators

Why legal translations should be left to professional translators

I’m sure you’ve been there, you’ve got a trial next week, and a stack of case materials that needs your attention. Time-consuming to say the least, but when they’re in a different language – let’s assume Spanish – the task becomes nearly unattainable. Perhaps your first instinct is to ask your colleague, who speaks Spanish, to translate the materials for you.

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What is summarization translation and when should you use it

What is summarization translation and when should you use it

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase translation services? If you’re like most people you’ll think of the, oftentimes, laborious task of a document being translated word-for-word. The truth is, translations span from machine translation to a variety of professional translation services.

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