BURG Translations Blog

5 significant issues to consider regarding the FASB’s lease accounting standard ASC 842

5 significant issues to consider regarding the FASB’s lease accounting standard ASC 842

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) functions as an independent and not-for-profit organization that establishes financial accounting and reporting standards for all organizations that follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). After nearly 10 years in the making, FASB announced its most recent standards update in February 2016:

ASU 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842)

Intended to address some of the most common criticisms of the current accounting and reporting rules, the most recent amendments focus on transparency. In the aftermath of the SEC’s 2005 report on off-balance-sheet activities, which recommended changes be made to lease agreement regulations, the FASB and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) developed and published a joint guidance that, in the words of FASB Chair Russell G. Golden, “responds to requests from investors and other financial statement users for a more faithful representation of an organization’s leasing activities.” Read more

Should you hire a nonprofessional translator or a translation agency

Should you hire a nonprofessional translator or a translation agency

As a translation company, we depend on professional freelance translators constantly. This article addresses nonprofessional translators and is specifically making a comparison between a nonprofessional translator and a translation company. Clients sometimes debate if they should use an individual they hear of (it could be a colleague, friend, or second cousin’s best friend’s girlfriend) to translate a document or go to a professional vendor. This article is meant to address this decision.

While you might pay less up front with a nonprofessional translator, you’ll likely end up spending more time or money than you would if you went directly to a skilled language service provider with your project. Here’s why you don’t want to go the seemingly cheapest route.

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CASE STUDY: Medical device marketing department reaches key opinion leaders faster

CASE STUDY: Medical device marketing department reaches key opinion leaders faster


The marketing department for a medical device company needed help finding as many key opinion leaders (KOLs) as possible from across three countries to champion the company’s products. The KOLs were needed for regional sales and marketing teams to maximize sales quickly.

The challenge in this case was that the company had no support and a limited budget to identify and locate these KOLs. Moreover, patent protection time constraints and annual sales targets placed a great deal of pressure on the sales teams to successfully sell as quickly as possible. Finally, the information needed to find these KOLs across three different countries was in different languages. Given the budgetary and time constraints of this company, the medical device marketing team needed to choose a vendor with an alternative approach.

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CEO of chicago-based translation services company to present at international program in Miami

CEO of chicago-based translation services company to present at international program in Miami

Chicago, IL, July 24, 2016: Chicago-based BURG Translations, an international company specializing in technical translation services, recently announced that Angelo Passalacqua, CEO, will be a featured speaker at the 6th Annual Clinical Trials Innovation Programme in Miami at the Sheraton Miami Hotel & Executive Meeting Center on July 28 and 29. The event will feature 25 innovative thought leaders from around the world as key note speakers. Through strategic keynote addresses, themed tracks and dedicated networking sessions, attendees will have the chance to be educated about the latest industry trends, improve their company’s brand awareness, debut new products and solutions, and meet with new and existing clients.

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What facebook teaches us about globalization and translation

What facebook teaches us about globalization and translation

Love it or hate it, Facebook continues to keep the world wrapped around its finger. If you need proof of its world dominance, take a look Facebook’s most recent annual report.

Here are just a few of the surprising statistics and claims made in the report:

  • Generated $13 billion in the EMEA region;
  • Had a $21 billion economic impact on Central and South America;
  • Had a $100 billion economic impact on the United States

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